What a Hoot!!! The weather was perfect, the set-up was smooth, the food was great and the customers were HAPPY…. The number of plates ended up in excess of 1500. So much fun!!
Yes… we were behind the curve on the cakes for the first part of the event, but thanks to the crazy biceps’ of Chef Jake and the quick thinking of Chef John, turning the oven onto a flattop, we caught up and finished the race strong. NOTE: It also helped when Isaac found that the servers were piling on the flapjacks to the customers’ request, instead of the planned 2 each. WHO KNEW??

Of course we couldn’t have done it without the Mr. Splatter, I mean Mr. Batter, Dave Fisher who wore out two drill motors and is still trying to get the batter off his shoes and Randy H, the Sausage King!!!! I think Randy is the only volunteer that never got to take a break… He switched from sausage to pancakes without an even breathing hard.
The 4H kids were awesome, running at breakneck speed, between the flattop and the steam table, with former cop, Mike Cooper keeping the traffic flowing without any collisions. Can’t remember being that full of energy….
Our Director of Transportation, Brett staged the trailers the night before, which was a great help and has now got the equipment quirks figures out, so setup and breakdown went smooth.
Randy W, Corona, along with Debby, a volunteer from Kiwanas’, broke down 150+ cases of sausage and loaded trays… The dogs are still following them around.
We were also blessed to have volunteers from Albertsons and 4H at the grill keeping the batter flowing.
Lastly, a shout of thanks to Isaac Belden, CEO of Veterans Entrepreneur Alliance, for the opportunity to do this event.
Isaac, a veteran, took over this event just this year and came through his baptism of fire with flying colors.
Well Done Isaac!
GREAT JOB Team…….. OUR Idaho community was blessed Tuesday, by each one of You, who make up the Serve-One Team. That’s what we are all about!
Thank you for your efforts and dedication to serve our wonderful community. We are truly a blessed Team.
God Bless You and God Bless America!