I am excited to announce that we will be participating in the Idaho 4th of July ceremonies in Boise, by serving a pancake breakfast to the public at the Cecil D Andrus park in front of the Capitol building. The 4TH of July Parade starts at that point and we expect to flip flap jacks for as many as 1000 customers. The 4H club will be furnishing a large contingent of volunteers for service and cleanup. We are very excited to serve our community in this event. This may end up being an annual event for us. We will be working along side another charity, Veteran Entrepreneur Alliance, who will also be providing volunteers.
Time of Event: Service will start at 07:00 and go until we run out of batter!!!
Set Up: Is on the street in front of the park and we will be able to stage the trailer the day before (YES)!!!
Hand washing, sanitary stations and trash cans will be set up for us.
Electrical power will be available so no generator will be needed.