What a TEAM!… Everyone did an outstanding job for the first time out with the equipment. The food was great it was hot and despite the rain and a little trouble lighting the tilt….. things went very well. Per the instructions from the Chaplain we expected and prepared, to serve up to 300 people but they fell well short their expectations. However WE were ready and those that did attend were very happy with the way things went. I want to say that for the first event in Idaho and with Virtually NO-ONE having seen the set up before….. it was great. Everyone pitched in and thought on their feet, doing whatever was next to be done, without direction. The loading of the kitchen back into the trailer was so smooth it looked rehearsed. I hope everyone had as good a time as I did. I am including some of the pictures. By the way the FallsBrand sausages were excellent. That was a new product for me, but now I am seeing their products in several stores I frequent. We appreciate their donation!