Community Outreach

We currently partner with other charitable, social, community, commercial and faith based organizations who are in our network. We are constantly seeking additional opportunities to broaden our scope of helping the needy and marginalized by partnering with other “like minded” organizations. We take great joy in serving alongside others and view our contributions as a privilege to touch lives and become part of a solution to the growing needs caused by poverty and the devaluation of the human spirit around the world.

Here are some of the ways we wish to achieve our goals for community outreach:

Effective Community Outreach

Effective community outreach is an essential part of creating a strong, relationship between local organizations and their respective communities. By connecting with people in tangible ways, such as sponsoring events, volunteering opportunities, and providing educational resources, it can help create meaningful experiences and build relationships that will last beyond the initial contact. Furthermore, promoting two-way communication can ensure that the organization stays connected to the community’s needs and future plans. With effective community outreach led in an excited tone of voice, an organization can become more than just a presence; it can become part of the fabric that weaves together a thriving, vibrant community!

Why partner with other “like minded” organizations?

Partnering with other like-minded organizations is mutually beneficial. It allows both partners the opportunity to increase their visibility. Relationships between like-minded organizations can also be used to build strong networks that lead to referrals and collaboration that facilitate growth and success. Strong partnerships also offer access to shared knowledge, technology, or resources that result in increased innovation. Professional partnerships enable both entities to benefit from each others’ strengths and progress more quickly than if either organization worked on its own.

Needs caused by poverty and the devaluation of the human spirit around the world

Poverty is an inescapable global reality for far too many, and comes at a grave cost to those it affects–especially in terms of the devaluation of the human spirit. Poverty has been linked to lower levels of physical and mental health, minimal access to basic necessities such as food, clothing, healthcare and education, lack of employment opportunities, displacement from homes due to political or environmental circumstances, and other serious human rights issues. These factors often lead to feelings of isolation and insignificance which can have lasting effects on individuals who struggle with poverty. It is imperative that we continue creating systems of support that are designed to break down this cycle and nurture resiliency within those communities most affected by poverty. Through education initiatives, employment, love and care, we can ensure that everyone has access resources needed to exercise their fundamental human rights.